Executive Council7432

 2024-2025 Council Executive Team 

Grand Knight: George Sarsfield

Chaplain: Fr. Colin O'Rourke

Deputy Grand Knight:

Chancellor: Walter Herdzik

Treasurer: Edward M Krakowski

Financial Secretary: Dan Serben

Recording Secretary: Shaun Hill

Advocate: Paul W Schulz

Warden: Kevin R Turner

Inside Guard: Ken Huyghe

Outside Guard: Kevin Elliott

Trustee 3rd Year: Ron Van Paridon

Trustee 2nd Year: Paul Rydl

Trustee 1st Year: Bill Wolff

Membership Director: John Leszkowicz


Faith Director: Michael Meyers

Community Director: Willis Winter

Family Director: Don Rasko

Life Director: Brian Trafford

Programme Director: George Sarsfield


Photo/Presentation Coordinator: Raymond Martin

Knight of the Month Coordinator: Raymond Martin

Retention Committee Chairman: Willis Winter