St.Bonaventure Council7432

 2024-2025 Welcome to the new year!!

Council 7432 meets monthly on the second Tuesday at St. Bonaventure Parish...


Thank you for stopping by our web page.  We are but one council in this International Order which we are proud to say is the largest Catholic Lay organization in the World.  We have affectionately been referred to by Pope John Paul as the "Strong Right Arm of the Catholic Church", a reference we are proud to bear as we stand in solidarity with our Religious, our Priests and Deacons.  Solidarity that is rooted in our beginnings when our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney saw the need to unite Catholic men in their faith and thereby strengthen their families while ensuring their financial security.


Our Council here at St. Bonaventure is proud to support Blessed Father McGivney's vision and we are proud to be an active progressive council determined to be the best we can.